Palliative Care Wales
This website is no longer being actively maintained. Some of the material has been moved and is now hosted on the the End of Life Care section on the NHS Wales Health Collaborative website. The full link is:
(w)IPADS - A Framework for Advance Care Planning in Wales
Identify appropriate patients for Advance Care Planning (ACP)

Opportunities for Advance Care Planning discussions should be actively sought by all healthcare professionals, working in primary or secondary care. more »

Prepare the ground

Before starting any discussion about Advance Care Planning, ensure that the patient and/or family have been given the opportunity to understand the nature and prognosis of their illness through adequate discussion. more »

Ask if the patient wishes to discuss Advance care Planning

Introduce the subject of Advance Care Planning with the patient and/or family.

It is important to tailor the way Advance Care Planning is raised with the patient and/or family to suit the patient's specific case. more »

Document the patients wishes

Depending on the patient's circumstances, consider: • General Advance Care Planning enquiry,  • Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment, • Lasting Power of Attorney, • DNA-CPR form. more »


Encourage the patient to share their wishes with a family member.

With the patient's consent, ensure that the advance care plan is available to other healthcare professionals when it is needed. more »